Kroger Rewards

This program has been established for non-profits to raise funds to be used in their communities. HRDF serves hundreds of youth and dislocated workers on an annual basis; and, has been successfully running several types of programs for over 40 years. Grant funded programs house guidelines for how funding must be spent, and often times, there are not monies available for staff to spend on needed support services or recreational activities to help build morale and cohesive relationships amongst participants. This reward program will help HRDF staff go the extra mile in reaching the many participants that engage in HRDF Programs.
The program tracks levels of spending and HRDF will be eligible for a rebate check each quarter based on how much is spent during that period. This won’t affect your reward points at all! You must re-enroll each year, after August. Don’t worry, we will remind you!
Follow these easy steps to help support programs at HRDF:
Have a Kroger Plus card, set up an account on ( and connect your card with Human Resource Development Foundation (#93905) under the Community Rewards tab on their website. You may do this over the phone by calling 1-800-409-4438.
PLEASE CONFIRM that your phone number is tied to this Kroger Plus Card account either online or over the phone- if you are planning to use your phone number and not the card in the store when you check out. At the store, use your Kroger Plus card or enter the phone number tied to your Kroger Plus Card account in order for credit to be accrued.
The program tracks levels of spending and HRDF will be eligible for a rebate check each quarter based on how much is spent during that period. This won’t affect your reward points at all! You must re-enroll each year, after August. Don’t worry, we will remind you!
Follow these easy steps to help support programs at HRDF:
Have a Kroger Plus card, set up an account on ( and connect your card with Human Resource Development Foundation (#93905) under the Community Rewards tab on their website. You may do this over the phone by calling 1-800-409-4438.
PLEASE CONFIRM that your phone number is tied to this Kroger Plus Card account either online or over the phone- if you are planning to use your phone number and not the card in the store when you check out. At the store, use your Kroger Plus card or enter the phone number tied to your Kroger Plus Card account in order for credit to be accrued.